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<em>Chronicle'</em>s Dane DeHaan will play Harry Osborn in <em>The Amazing Spider-Man 2</em>

Harry Osborn will be besties/worsties with Peter Parker in a Spider-Man movie once again, but this time, James Franco simply could not build himself a time-turner to make himself available. Instead, for Marc Webb’s sequel, Dane DeHaan will take over the role in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, set to begin shooting early next year. DeHann is best known for his superpowered role in Chronicle, but has also made appearances on HBO’s In Treatment and, most recently, Lawless and Lincoln. The sequel, for which Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone will return, might also possibly feature Mary Jane Watson, and Shailene Woodley’s name has been mentioned as a contender for the role.

And in case you didn’t hear, the script will be written by the guys who brought back Star Trek, Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci. My fangirl heart is positively a-flutter!

Photo credit: IMDb

‘Amazing Spider-Man 2’ gets new Harry Osborn — ‘Chronicle’ star Dane DeHaan [Inside Movies]

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