Boing Boing Staging

Dread Spawn (Head Wrong): an artist remakes Red Dawn

(Spoken in booming movie trailer voice): If you see only one Red Dawn remake this year, see this one. New York City artist Annamarie Ho, known to regular BB readers for her Betelnut Girls art installation and other daring works, created this filmic provocation titled Dread Spawn (Head Wrong) that asks “how would the fantastical storyline of the Red Dawn remake function if the Chinese People’s Liberation Army were to invade New York City’s Chinatown instead and was met by multicultural, brainy high school students?” Of course, the fact that the current Red Dawn remake’s producers, MGM, did a last-minute digital switch of the “villains” from the Chinese to North Koreans only makes Ho’s commentary more compelling. Annamarie will be in attendance at three Dread Spawn (Head Wrong) screenings this week and next, and I’m honored that she’s asked me to introduce the film in San Francisco on December 6.

Wednesday, November 28 at 3pm
Vanderbilt University

Saturday, December 1 at 4pm
Queens Museum of Art

Thursday, December 6 at 7pm
Ninth Street Independent Film Center

Dread Spawn (Head Wrong)

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