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Kick off your weekend with cinema's 100 most emotion-filled death scenes!

While the video is, sadly, unembeddable, it is worth the extra click if you are in serious need of depressing yourself into oblivion. The Movie Miscellany has compiled a tear-soaked supercut of 100 of cinema’s most gut-wrenching death scenes — the ones that have made you sad, the ones that made you curl up into a fetal position and weep, the ones that mad you have to call your mom… they’re all there! The full list of deaths is on the site, in case you accidentally missed (or spared yourself from) some of the scenes. Actually, the extra click over to the video page is good. You’ll have time to grab tissues or call a friend for support. Oh, and don’t bother looking for any of Sean Bean’s many screen deaths. He has his own supercut. (via io9)

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