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Get ready, lovers of 8-bit everything: <em>The Hit Squad</em> is coming

(Video link) Billed as the world’s first 8-bit movie (and a quick Google search might just support that), The Hit Squad looks like the indie version of Wreck-It-Ralph, except instead of video game characters, it’s about an ’80s band trying to save their recording studio from evil types. Writer and director Chris Blundell, with his fellow filmmakers, raised $10,000 through crowdsourcing to make the movie, which is now available for pre-order on the official site. In case you need further convincing, Blundell promises “an 8-bit comedy movie about sex, skullduggery, and synthesised music. It’s outrageous, heartwarming, and pixelly.” Who doesn’t love pixels? Outrageous pixels? Squares, man. That’s who. (via The Hit Squad)

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