Boing Boing Staging

Safeway: "Stop photographing our horrible, copyrighted cakes"

CakeWrecks reports that a local Safeway bakery has banned all photography in its bakery department, in a desperate, misguided bid to prevent its horrific creations from appearing on CakeWrecks. Safeway employees are to tell potential photogs that its cakes are copyrighted, and may not be photographed.

Today’s post requires a special intro, so here’s Dara G. to explain:

“My local [CENSORED*] bakery has this new policy – not strictly enforced, but kinda enforced – NO PHOTOS in the bakery department. None, nada. Per an ex-employee there, upper management is afraid that one of that store’s specific cakes will be posted on ‘that bad cake site.’ Per what they tell you in the store, their cakes are ‘all copyright protected.'”

(*Store name omitted. Because I care.)

She goes on to say:

“Apparently this new ‘no photos’ thing came about after y’all had posted their ‘Popcorn’ cakes on the site.”

Ways To Play It Safe

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