At Acculturated blog, Abby W. Schachter writes about “bobos,” short for bourgeois bohemians, and evidence that big consumer brands are now marketing to them with highly mockable DIY gear that re-creates artisanal (or, depending on your point of view, obsolete) food production methods.
Case in point: William Sonoma’s new upscale DIY kitchenware collection, called the Agrarian Guide, where one can purchase “a reclaimed rustic chicken coop for $759.95… a Warre beehive made from “untreated Western Red Cedar” that retails for $399.95, a vinegar pot for $90, an $80 fermentation pot to make “your own sauerkraut,” and a hand crank Burr grinder grain mill retailing for $675.95. The accompanying grain mill clamp will set you back another $105.95.”
I vacillate between coveting everything in the catalog, and wanting to mock everything in the catalog. Either way, I cannot wait for the Portlandia sketch.
(via Virginia Postrel)