Boing Boing Staging

EFF delivers easy full-disk encryption for Ubuntu

Douglas sez,

18 months ago Boing Boing posted about EFF’s effort to get Ubuntu to make full disk encryption (FDE) easy upon install. EFF has delivered.

I’m sure many of us have had and continue to have the experience of trying to nudge someone (or ourselves) over from OS X or Windows to GNU/Linux and LUKS full disk encryption, but the process got roadblocked at some point because using the alternate installer to config the partitions and all for FDE was just too much of a hassle for parties involved. Now in Ubuntu 12.10, FDE is just a tickbox in the default installer. How cool is that?

This means it’s a good time to donate to EFF. And if you’re using Ubuntu 12.10, don’t forget to fix the privacy problems for which EFF provides a tutorial (thanks again!).

(Thanks, Doug!)

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