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Pesco's favorite men's style sites


Over at our sponsor Intel’s My Life Scoop site, I wrote a short piece about my favorite men’s style sites:

Since I was 14, I’ve dressed like, well, I’m 14. My daily attire has always been t-shirt, hoodie, jeans, and sneakers or boots. That said, I feel good when I dress up. My wife is a fashion designer and stylist. She helps, when I let her. And in recent years, that’s been more often. I’m not interested in trying to track the latest trends. I prefer classic, timeless, and well-made apparel. I like looking sharp, but I’d never want to peacock. If I wasn’t so lazy about my looks, and actually made the scene more often, I’d be tempted to buy more suits. William S. Burroughs wore a traditional suit almost every day. It enabled him to blend in, fade into invisibility to observe without suspicion. Of course, I’m no Burroughs. For lots of reasons. But I still wouldn’t mind the gentleman junkie’s three-piece gray flannel suit.

Seeking Men’s Style

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