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Harry Fox Agency claims copyright on Strauss

Stephanie sez, “Somtow Sucharitkul, a notable director, was informed that posting footage of himself, conducting Strauss’ Radetzky March was a violation of Harry Fox’s supposed copyright on that piece. That 164-year-old piece: ‘Perhaps HFA controls the rights to a modern arrangement of this piece, such as a school band version or something, but this is no modern adaptation. It’s the original, and Johann Strauss Sr’s copyright expired a century ago. Do let me know if I can be of assistance (for instance, I could perhaps get the Austrian Embassy to produce a copy of Strauss’s death certificate?)'”

Somtow is also a notable sf writer, who’s written under both SP Somtow and Somtow Sucharitkul. Met him once at a Worldcon. Nice guy. Good writer. Talented polymath. World-class snarker!

I sent them this email

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