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Raising funds for a gallery show of Star Wars-inspired oils

Chris Woods sez, “In light of today’s STAR WARS news please check out my STAR WARS-inspired museum-show of paintings.

SANDSTORM will show at The Reach Gallery Museum in Abbotsford, BC in the summer of 2013.”

My paintings over the last twenty-four years have looked at the far-reaching effects of mass-produced culture on the individual. They have appeared twice on the cover of Adbusters Magazine and in eighteen solo exhibitions in Canada and the United States since 1988.

Recently, I was invited to exhibit my work at The Reach Gallery Museum in Abbotsford, BC. This show, set to run in the summer of 2013, represents the first time in my twenty-four years as a visual artist that I have been asked to mount a solo exhibition in a museum setting.

Woods is looking to raise $14,000 on Indiegogo to pay for his living expenses, materials, and new tools.

SANDSTORM: One Fan’s Elegy to the Original STAR WARS Trilogy

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