Boing Boing Staging

Ivan Reitman has a de-Murrayed <em>Ghostbusters 3</em> on his schedule for next summer

In an item that actually has nothing to do with the “development hellish” Ghostbusters 3, Deadline is reporting that director Ivan Reitman will be directing the “reboot” (that’s what they’re calling it here) beginning next summer. So, that is, apparently, happening. What is not happening is Bill Murray being a part of this movie. And there is your latest entry in the Ghostbusters 3-Bill Murray Involvement Saga. If you’ve been keeping track, this is the second Ghostbusters 3-related item in a row to report this without any contradicting statements by Bill Murray. So, if a third story comes up stating that he won’t be involved, expect Bill Murray to show up at a kickball game somewhere and say “It’s showtime!” (via Deadline)

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