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Kickstarting a free/open adult education book

Dan sez, “Most adult education teachers are subject-matter experts but have no experience teaching. This book, ‘How to Teach Adults,’ contains everything you need to start, well, teaching adults: How to find a job, plan your class, teach your students and change the world. It’s short and eminently practical. The Kickstarter campaign for it ends early morning October 10th, and the book will be FREE (and DRM-free!) to download by January 2013. The author (me) has 10+ years teaching experience and has co-written and distributed free ‘Know Your Rights’ comic books for youth of color and South Asian immigrants. If you never want to sit through another boring lecture, support this book and download it next January!”

“How to Teach Adults”: A Free, Beautiful E-Book

(Thanks, Dan!)

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