Boing Boing Staging

<em>Pirate Cinema</em> audiobook: no DRM, no EULA, just the spoken word

Further to yesterday’s post about the availablity of a DRM-free, EULA-free MP3 download for the audiobook of Little Brother, I’m pleased to announce that I’m also selling the audiobook for my new novel Pirate Cinema. As with the Little Brother audio, this is a professionally voiced, unabridged audiobook from Random House Audio. This one is read by the rather fabulous Bruce Mann.

The reason I’m selling this direct from my site is that the largest retail channels for audiobooks — iTunes and Audible — refuse to carry audiobooks without DRM and onerous license-agreements. I don’t want to lock you into anyone’s platform, and I don’t want to take away any of the rights you get under copyright law. So I’ve taken matters into my own hands, offering the book directly, in a fair, straightforward, simple way. I’m immensely grateful to Random House for backing me in my fight against DRM, and for sacrificing the revenue they’d get from iTunes/Audible in order to leave me with my principles intact.

Pirate Cinema Audiobook

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