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LEGO Dr. Strangelove (video)

Using LEGO and pure genius, YouTuber XXxOPRIMExXX created this amazing stop-motion homage to the great Stanley Kubrick film Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.

View part 1, and part 2.

The project was originally uploaded in 2010, but YouTube blocked part of it over copyright claims.

“I had to take out the famous scene of Slim Pickens riding the bomb and the nuclear holocaust credits to have this video viewable because those scenes were taken directly from the movie,” the auteur laments. “I was hoping to have the Slim Pickens scene done in Lego by now but I just never had enough time or effort to do it, maybe some time in the future. Enjoy.”

I know I’m not alone in considering my favorite part the bit where Dr. LEGO Strangelove leaps up from his LEGO wheelchair, takes a few stiff steps, and shouts, “Mein Führer! I can walk!”

(via Michael Donaldson)

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