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FORM1: a new, $2300 high-resolution 3D resin printer on Kickstarter

FORM1 is a new 3D printer that’s taking pre-orders via Kickstarter. It was invented by MIT Media Lab students and brought to product stage through private investment, including some investment from friends of mine whose judgment I trust, like Mitch Kapor, founder of Lotus Software. I’ve met with some of the founders a few times, and handled the printer’s output, and they really do produce of the most amazing 3D printed objects I’ve ever seen, in a wide variety of low-cost consumable materials. The starting price to get your own is $2300.

The results are amazing: the Form 1 can print layers as thin as 25 microns (0.001 in) with features as small as 300 microns (0.012 in) in a build volume of 125 x 125 x 165 mm (4.9 x 4.9 x 6.5 in). This means you can print complex geometries with the exquisite details and beautiful surface finish that will make your creations stand out…

A key advantage of the Form software is the ability to precisely generate thin, breakable support structures that serve their purpose during printing but are easily removed afterward. Test users have delightfully compared this part removal to a feeling almost like separating Velcro. You can finally print those designs with crazy overhangs!

FORM 1: An affordable, professional 3D printer

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