Boing Boing Staging

The cast of <em>The West Wing</em> reunites for a wistfully hilarious (and actual) campaign spot

While I don’t officially endorse Bridget Mary McCormack, who is running for a seat on the Michigan State Supreme Court, I do endorse the viewing of the campaign ad she’s running for her non-partisan race. As the sister of actress Mary McCormack, who played security advisor Kate Harper on The West Wing, she was able too hook herself up with her very own reunion of the cast of Aaron Sorkin’s presidential series. Practically everyone is back — McCormack, Allison Janney, Richard Schiff, Janel Moloney, Bradley Whitford (who has the best line in the video once he’s done stumping for McCormack), Joshua Malina, Melissa Fitzgerald, Lily Tomlin (!), and President Bartlet himself, Martin Sheen (who is a little grayer than he was on the show, looking a little Clintonian). Apparently, Dulé Hill was busy, but I’d like to think that his character Charlie was sent by the Prez to go accomplish some ridiculous task in a vintage bookstore. (Also: Watch for Sheen’s Apocalypse Now joke.)

As much as I like The Newsroom, there’s just something about this group of people pedeconferencing that warms my heart. I wish they’d just make everyone happy and do a web series together.

Virtually the Entire Cast of “The West Wing” Reunites for an Awesome Campaign Ad [Pajiba]

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