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Eyeball Creep: a very special My Little Pony

Wrenniepooh isn’t your typical bronie. In 2008/9, Wrenniepooh created a series of custom My Little Ponies, including this rather magnificent specimen, dubbed Eyeball Creep.

Created for the Horror/Gore custom swap help at the MLPArena. This pony was made fom a baity G3 October Dreams birthstone pony who had her jewel cut out.
I smoothed over the pony’s eyes, neck seam, tail and hair plug holes with Apoxy Clay. Real glass taxidermy eyes of various types where used, super glued to the pony, then sculpted eyelids added using Apoxy Clay. I used a thin sewing needle to add tiny holes for “eyelashes” to be inserted into later.

Wrenniepooh’s My Little Pony Custom Creations Gallery

(via Neatorama)

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