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Caine's Arcade 2: The Global Cardboard Challenge & Imagination Foundation

[Video Link] Nirvan Mullick says:

5 months after Caine’s Arcade, here is the followup film, inspired by the response of kids around the world.

We’re also kicking off a Global Cardboard Challenge, inviting kids young and old to build something awesome out of cardboard and imagination. The Cardboard Challenge will culminate in a Global Day of Play on October 6th, the one year anniversary of the flashmob we did to make Caine’s day. One year later, the idea is to have cardboard themed events around the world, celebrating the creativity and imagination of kids everywhere.

So far, there are already over 150 events being organized in 25 countries around the world, from cardboard arcades in kitchens, to a Cardboard Amazement Park is Kampala, Uganda. Events can be of any scale, and the idea is to just invite the world to play.

The Cardboard Challenge also marks the launch of the Imagination Foundation, a new non-profit which we formed after Caine’s Arcade with the mission to find, foster, and fund creativity and entrepreneurship in more kids. We’re putting together project based learning curriculum and working to build Imagination Maker Spaces for kids — the first of which we want to build in the Boyle Heights community near Caine’s Arcade.

Boing Boing was the first to share the original film, and the comments and response was a huge inspiration. Please feel free to share with Boing Boing, and perhaps we can have a BoingBoing themed cardboard challenge?

Hope you like the new film, and hope to see you soon – oh, and save the date to come to the Oct 6th Cardboard Challenge event in LA!

Caine’s Arcade

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