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Kickstarting a literary studio for serialized fiction

Jennifer 8 Lee sez,

Plympton is a new literary studio dedicated to producing serialized fiction for the digital age. They’ve just launched with their first three titles through the newly created Kindle Serials program, and have several more titles in the works. Plympton has one aim: to bring back the incredibly fun tradition of the serialized novel, improving the lives of readers and writers everywhere. Serials provide a steady stream of great content at a competitive price. They also bring readers the added pleasures of anticipation and speculation, a benefit we’ve all come to know and love from watching great cable dramas such as Mad Men and Breaking Bad. Reading fiction that unfolds over weeks or months gives new intimacy and immediacy to the reading experience — as does having the chance to give writers feedback as they spin a plot to its resolution.

Plympton sees itself as what it calls a “third layer” in the publishing world, a nimble alternative to the major publishers and the online markets. They believe that serialized fiction, with its competitive digital price-point, its great capacity for audience-building, and its built-in emphasis on strong storytelling, is the perfect medium for creating this third layer.

PLYMPTON: Serialized Fiction for Digital Readers

(Thanks, Jennifer!)

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