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Bloody hell: The first look at Chloë Moretz in Kimberly Peirce's <em>Carrie</em>

Entertainment Weekly has the first look at Chloë Moretz as the tormented, titular star of the Carrie remake being directed by Kimberly Peirce (Boys Don’t Cry), and it is exactly what you’d hoped: a still of Carrie White covered in blood. Iconic, devastating, and shocking. Don’t think it’s shocking? Imagine being a teenager. An unpopular one. You are crowned prom queen, only to find out it’s a ruse to make a fool out of you, and then gallons of pig’s blood is poured on you in front of your entire school as a way to remind them that “you became a woman” in the locker room that one time. They’re all gonna laugh at you…

Visit EW for the full image of head-to-toe emotional destruction.

‘Carrie’ remake: Moretz revives a classic image and Moore has mommy issues — EXCLUSIVE FIRST LOOK [EW]

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