Boing Boing Staging

RPG miniatures Kickstarter hits $1M

Matt writes in with news of the Reaper Miniatures Bones Kickstarter, which has hit an eyepopping $1M with five days to spare. Reaper makes paintable RPG miniatures and paints, and they’re rather good (I have several sugrued to the top of my monitor, bought expertly painted at the Orcs Nest in Covent Garden).

Matt sez, “Even if you just want paints it’s a great deal. The paint sets are $18 more for a set of 12, which is half or less what you pay retail. For minis the $100 is up to 182 plastic minis. Reapers claim, and the reviews agree, that their products are flexible hard to break and don’t need primer (though you can use it). Among the minis there are some that are steampunk (the Chronoscope minis). Who wouldn’t want a cybernetic gorilla? There are pirates and horror as well. You can also add for a little more cash a clockwork dragon, a jabberwocky, and a set including Cthulhu.”

Some of the highest pledge levels include minis cast in sterling silver, as well as original molds.

Reaper Miniatures Bones: An Evolution Of Gaming Miniatures

(Thanks, Matt!)

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