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Raising money to build a Tesla museum

The Oatmeal’s Matthew Inman — who raised a small fortune for charity from readers who were offended by a groundless legal threat penned by Charles Carreon at the behest of the website Funnyjunk — has kicked off a new fundraiser. This time, he’s asking his fans to donate money towards buying the site of Nicola Tesla’s lab and building a national Tesla museum on it. The charity is the beneficiary of the fundraiser needs $850,000 to buy the site, and millions more for the museum (though this might come from corporate grants — Inman suggests that Westinghouse and GE would be good sponsors, since the former was founded by the man who was Tesla’s original patron and the latter was founded by his archnemesis).

Help me raise money to buy Nikola Tesla’s old laboratory – The Oatmeal

(Thanks to everyone who suggested this!)

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