Boing Boing Staging

Father performs "Let it Be" to raise funds for his 11-month-old's cancer bills

[Video Link] “On July 5th, 2012, my 11-month-old son, Noah, was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor,” writes Mike Masse in the introduction to this YouTube video, a beautiful performance of the Beatles’ “Let it Be.”

Details on the fundraiser here.

In America, little boys have to start lemonade stands when their fathers get cancer. In America, fathers have to do what Mike is doing here when their sons get cancer.

No parent should have to bare their grief to the world, no matter how beautifully, to beg for money to cover the life-saving medical treatment their baby needs. As you see the beauty, be mindful of the injustice in our health care system this represents.

Cancer is one tragedy. The way our country treats people with cancer, even when they’re little babies, is another.

(HT: Joe Sabia)

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