Boing Boing Staging

Humiliating giant head squirrel feeder

If you’ve decided to surrender to the squirrels that raid your bird-feeder and just set out squirrel chow instead, why not use one of Archie McPhee’s humiliating giant-head-squirrel-feeders, which allow you to chuckle at your pests even as you capitulate to them?

If you get a Big Head Squirrel Feeder, you’ll be able to feed and humiliate squirrels at the same time. Hang this vinyl 5-1/2″ x 8″ Big Head Squirrel Feeder in front of a window or near a porch, fill it with something squirrels like to eat and when they stick their head up there, the squirrel looks like he has a hilariously huge head with a goofy smile. Keep a camera nearby, you’ll want to post a picture on Facebook. Perfect for birdwatchers, dads or anyone else who thinks squirrels should be taken down a peg or two. Has holes in the ears for hanging with string (not included).

Big Head Squirrel Feeder

(Thanks, Fipi Lele!)

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