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<em>Rasputin's Bastards</em>: epic, psychic cold war thriller

Rasputin’s Bastards is David Nickle’s latest book, an epic novel from one of horror’s weirdest voices. During the cold war, the Soviets established City 512, a secret breeding experiment intended to create a race of psychic supermen. It worked far, far too well. The dreamwalkers of City 512 may have given lip-service to their masters, but in truth, they were occupied with their dreaming, the sleeper agents whom they could ride like loas, the succesive generations of dreamwalkers, each more powerful than the last, and their own power-struggles.

Now the cold war is long past, and the final act is upon the world. The Babushka, one of the great powers of City 512, has established a stronghold in a fishing village in the remotest northern reaches of Labrador. Her enemies are legion, and some of them don’t even know what side they’re on. The dreamwalkers have always had the power to trap their enemies in false identities and false memories, and the main characters of Rasputin’s Bastards are never quite sure who they are, what has happened to them, what is real, and what is poisonous illusion.

Nickle’s book is an enormous tale, bewilderingly complex, but with lots of twists and turns that reward close attention. It is grotesque, violent, and exciting, with a supernatural tinge that is his hallmark.

Rasputin’s Bastards

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