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"Tales of the San Francisco Cacophony Society": history of influential culture jammers

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Launched in 1986, the Cacophony Society is a highly-influential, “randomly gathered network of free spirits united in the pursuit of experiences beyond the pale of mainstream society.” This underground collective of pranksters, culture jammers, and thrill-seekers birthed Burning Man, inspried Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club, and freaked out the squares with their proto-flash mobs of SantaCon. Soon, their secret history will be revealed in a gorgeous new book by BB pal John Law, Carrie Galbraith, and Kevin Evans. “Tales of the San Francisco Cacophony Society” will be lovingly published in November by Last Gasp, who have just posted teaser images on their blog. And if you’ve never heard of the Cacophony Society before, don’t fret. You may already be a member.

Tales of the San Francisco Cacophony Society

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