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John Scalzi, Charlie Stross and I explain why Tor Books went DRM-free

Today I appeared in a group presentation of Tor Books authors — Charlie Stross, John Scalzi and me — and Macmillan USA’s Executive Vice President for Digital Publishing and Technology — Fritz Foy — at Book Expo America in New York City. We were there to explain to the publishing world why Tor Books is the first major publisher to go DRM-free for its ebooks, and what’s coming next:

In addition, Foy officially announced that a new Tor/Forge DRM-free e-book store will debut here on in late summer, 2012. has a write-up of our remarks. I believe there’ll be a video soon, as well.

Tor Books Announces E-book Store: Doctorow, Scalzi & Stross Talk DRM-Free

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