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New features for working 8-bit Minecraft computer

The RedPower Minecraft project, which has built a programmable 8-bit computer for Minecraft, has done a new release. Engadget’s Mat Smith sums up the new features: “The system is made from three separate cubes, representing the CPU, monitor and disk drive, respectively, all connected by ribbon cables. Part of pre-release 5 of the RedPower 2 mod, programmer Eloraam has also thrown in pumps and solar panels to keep crafters busy — you’re no longer limited to light switches. The emulated 8-bit processor can interact with other Minecraft blocks and while the computer can be programmed alone, its creator has been kind enough to include a Forth interpreter alongside the hardware, for those looking to get a little more involved.”

RedPower 2 Prerelease 5 (for Minecraft 1.2.5)

(via Engadget)

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