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Live indie web video coverage of NATO protest in Chicago: many streams, one post

[Tim Pool: @timcast on Twitter, Ustream video feed.]

UPDATE, 4pm PT: Reports from Chicago of police attacking protesters and journalists, chemical weapons being readied for use, and possibile imminent “weaponized” use of LRAD.

In this post, embeds for some of the known live independent web video streams covering the NATO protests in Chicago today. Community Media Workshop has an even longer list of livestream feeds here.

[Luke Rudkowski: @Lukewearechange on Twitter, Ustream video feed]

[Occupied Air: @Occupied_Air on Twitter, Ustream video feed]

[Anon Codeframe: @codeframesf on Twitter, Ustream video feed]

[Occupy Eye: @occupyeye on Twitter, Ustream video feed]

[Sky Adams: @skyadams on Twitter, Ustream video feed]

[The Revolution Will Be Streamed (TRWBS): @trwbs on Twitter, Ustream video feed.]

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