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Space Hijackers create Official Protesters programme for the London 2012 Olympics

Leah sez,

Bespoke troublemakers, the Space Hijackers, have announced that they are the Official Protesters of the London 2012 Olympic Games. To this end, they’ve launched a site where you can register for tickets for the official protests. They have also outlined the top ten reasons why the Olympics are worth protesting against.

A spokesperson said “accept no imitation, we are the Official Protesters. We shall be taking steps to ensure no unauthorised protest occurs around the London 2012 Olympic Games”.

The Space Hijackers stress that LOCOG, the IoC and the ODA should expect protest wherever Olympic legislation and regulation is applicable and enforced. An international network of Olympic protesters have partnered under the Protest London 2012 umbrella and are planning as invasive a campaign as the Olympic Games themselves. However, only those groups authorised by the Official Protesters of the London 2012 Olympic Games will be allowed to express dissent.

Disclaimer: “Official Protesters”, “Official Protester”, “Official Protest”, “Protest”, “The Space Hijackers”, “Space Hijackers”, “Spacehijackers”, “Space”, “Hijacker” and “Hijackers” are protected under trademark and copyright. Unauthorised use without express written consent from the Official Protesters of the London 2012 Olympic Games.

Some background: as part of its campaign to win the games, the UK promised the International Olympic Committee that it would extend extraordinary privileges to it and its corporate partners. It’s a criminal offense to use “London” and “2012” or “2012” and “Games” in a commercial context without authorisation. Yes, criminal: you can go to gaol for putting up a pub signboard that says “Watch the Olympic Games here today!” Parliament’s Olympic lickspittles also delivered a law that gives the cops the power to enter your private home and remove anti-Olympics posters. And there are 10,000 private security guards on-site who insist that you’re not allowed to stand on public land and take pictures, despite assurances from the government and police that they’ve been trained and briefed.

Here’s an earlier Space Hijackers action: “Life Neutral” certification for arms dealers.

Official Protests for the London 2012 Olympics

(Thanks, Leah!)

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