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Science Tales: short comic stories about science, skepticism, evidence and woo

Darryl Cunningham’s Science Tales is a fantastic nonfiction comic book about science, skepticism and denial. Divided into short chapters with simple layouts and graphics, Cunningham’s book looks into belief in chiropractic and homeopathy; denial of moon landings, climate change and evolution, the anti-vaccination movement, and related subjects. It concludes with a tremendous piece on the forces that give rise to anti-scientific/anti-evidence movements, which Cunningham attributes to the deadly cocktail of cynical corporate media-manipulation and humanity’s built-in cognitive blind-spots.

Cunningham has a real gift for making complex subjects simple. If you’re a Mythbusters fan, admire James Randi, enjoyed Ben Goldacre’s Bad Science, and care about climate change, you’ll enjoy this one. More to the point, if you’re trying to discuss these subjects with smart but misguided friends and loved ones, this book might hold the key to real dialogue.

To get a taste of Science Tales, click through below for the first five pages of the MMR story, courtesy of publishers Myriad Editions.

Science Tales

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