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Huge, dumb booze producer Diageo orders industry association to give them the prize that had been awarded to small, spunky competitor

BrewDog is a spunky craft brewer in Scotland. Diageo is a titanic owner of booze brands, a kind of Wal*Mart of booze. The British Institute of Innkeeping is their mutual trade association.

Last Sunday, the BII’s independent judges awarded BrewDog a prize for Bar Operator of the Year. When Diageo found out — just ahead of the ceremony — that a company affiliated with them hadn’t won the prize, they threw a tantrum and said that they would cease all sponsorship of BII events unless the prize was given to them.

So BrewDog — who’d been told in advance that they’d won — sat at their table at the banquet with jaws on their chests as their competitor’s name was read out by the announcer, and representatives from Diageo’s chosen bar got up on stage to accept an award whose plaque clearly said “BREWDOG: BAR OPERATOR OF THE YEAR.” The farce has turned into a scandal, and Diageo has issued a non-apology of the “mistakes were made” sort.

BrewDog is pissed:

As for Diageo, once you cut through the glam veneer of pseudo corporate responsibility this incident shows them to be a band of dishonest hammerheads and dumb ass corporate freaks. No soul and no morals, with the integrity of a rabid dog and the style of a wart hog.

Perhaps more tellingly it is an unwitting microcosm for just how the beer industry is changing and just how scared and jealous the gimp-like establishment are of the craft beer revolutionaries.

We would advise them to drink some craft beer. To taste the hops and live the dream. It is hard to be a judas goat when you are drinking a Punk IPA.

Walk tall, kick ass and learn to speak craft beer.

Diageo Screw BrewDog

(Thanks, Chris!)

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