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Odd 1968 romance novel cover

James Gurney says:

If I had to give a prize for the most delightfully weird romance cover, it would have to go to “The Hungry Ones” from 1966.

Whatever his pickup line is, she seems to be taking him seriously. Should be an interesting date. What he hasn’t told her yet is that she’s got to fit into his VW with 19 of his friends.

The cover is the work of Elaine Duillo (b. 1928), a prolific and talented artist whose cover paintings defined the look of paperback books from the 1960s through the 1990s.

Like all of her contemporaries: James Avati, James Bama, Pino Daeni, Bob McGinnis, she was adept at crystallizing a book’s appeal into an arresting image that made you itch to pick it up and start reading. As a woman working a field mainly dominated by male artists, she overcame many discouraging remarks and kept producing work of the highest caliber.

Amazon has one copy of The Hungry Ones available for $(removed).

Elaine’s Romance Covers

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