Boing Boing Staging

Remembering Adam Yauch: Polly Wog Stew

Earlier this morning, Pesco posted the awful news that Adam “MCA” Yauch died this morning at age 47. Words here can’t express how sad I am, reading that news. Hits home in part because I’m fighting the same disease, and in part because the Beasties were such a formative part of my subcultural education as I grew into my teen years.

The first time I heard them, and Adam Yauch, was when a friend from middle school handed me a home-copied dupe of this cassette tape EP [YouTube, and you can still buy copies on Amazon]. I played it over and over until that little black ribbon wore right out. Some of you may not know that the Beasties were a hardcore band before they became a hiphop band. Now you do.

I’ve embedded some Beastie videos from that era below. Fuck you, cancer.

(HT @theory)

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