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Electrical engineer builds devices to detect ghosts

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Electrical engineer Gary Galka is proprietor of D.A.S. Distribution Inc, a company that makes and sells a variety of industrial sensors for medical, aerospace, and factory automation applications. After his teenage daughter was killed in a car accident, Galka began to develop instruments to detect ghosts and scan for electronic voice phenomena that he says could have paranormal origins. Devices like his SB7 Spirit Box are apparently now a nice chunk of his business. The Hartford Courant profiled Galka:

Galka, 57, was raised Catholic, and said he believes in God and the afterlife, although he said he does not attend church. He donates one-third of the profits from the sale of paranormal devices to bereavement groups, including The Cove Center for Grieving Children in Wallingford and Mary’s Place, A Center For Grieving Children in Windsor, both of which help children deal with the death of a brother or sister.

Galka’s most recent invention is a device that he says can detect shadows in the dark.

According to the D.A.S. website, the Mel meters, which can pick up electromagnetic field activity, are specifically designed for paranormal investigators.

As for skeptics, Galka says he hopes that his family’s experiences and the devices he has created will help people who don’t believe in the afterlife to “take a better position.”

“I feel compelled to help other bereaved parents … to show these parents that they can live beyond the grief and be comforted knowing their child is in a good place — to show them they can have hope.”

Saying He Has Felt His Dead Daughter’s Presence, An Engineer Develops Devices To Measure It(via Fortean Times)

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