Boing Boing Staging

To do this weekend in SF Bay Area: Robogames

Robogames, an annual robot hoedown, takes place this weekend in San Mateo. $25 for adults, $0-$20 for kids depending on age, free for active duty military. Bring hearing protection and a love of machines, noise, and mayhem. It’s a ton of fun. I’m late posting this, but it’s not too late for you to go: ticket sales online ticket sales are closed, but they’re available on-site at the San Mateo Fairgrounds noon-7pm Sunday 22 April (map).

Photos: Above, an audience member is entranced by robot dance moves. Below, “Last Rites” delivers a lethal hit against “VD6” for a knockout in a heavyweight combat prelim round. By Dave Schumaker.

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