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Interview with cardboard arcade creator, 9-year-old Caine Monroy

[Video Link]
Shira Lazar of What’s Trending visited 9-year-old Caine Monroy and his father to interview them about Caine’s now-famous cardboard arcade.

[Caine] became an online sensation this week for building an elaborate cardboard arcade inside his dad’s used auto parts store. At first, business was slow — that is, until his first customer, filmmaker Nirvan Mullick, was inspired to organize a flashmob through Facebook and Reddit, sending a slew of worthy gamers upon Caine’s Arcade and capturing the magic day in a short film.

Now that the video has gone viral, the Caine’s Arcade Facebook page boasts over 45,000 Likes, with fans and supporters having raised over $100,000 for his scholarship fund in just three days.

Shira Lazar caught up with the young entrepreneur, his father George, and Producer/Director Nirvan Mullick to get their takes on the whirlwind week and, of course, play in the arcade!

Interview With 9-Year-Old Behind “Caine’s Arcade”

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