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Master Dog Grooming Tools

I’ve used this tool, for about 6 months on a long-haired Chow/Labrador mix and on a Corgi. They both shed like crazy and the undercoat is a serious challenge with the Chow. This grooming tool takes care of the undercoat like nothing I’ve ever used. It’s also apparently less painful for the dogs, as it doesn’t have the tendency to dig straight in like the previously reviewed Furminator, which I liked well enough before trying this one.

I have the 16-blade version. It gets down deep and pulls the undercoat and dander OUT. The blades are much more robust than the Furminator, and there’s no chance of bending. It’s a VERY well-built device, and the rubber handle looks weird but feels good in the hand. I can’t think of a single improvement I’d make.

I will say that the first time you use this tool, try not to be too ambitious. It took three or four sessions with my chow (an outside dog, and it had been awhile) before I got all the lumps of undercoat off him. Not because the tool was rough with him, but just that he had so much to remove. The Corgi was done in one session, and despite her shorter hair, this tool removed a huge volume of fur. Her haunches are very thick, but this tool goes right through it without the tearing I’d been so careful to avoid with the Furminator.

Now, both my dogs love this thing. When I’m working on one, the other dog comes up to pester me so he gets a turn. Once the major de-undercoating is done, it’s a simple matter to use this weekly or as-needed to keep things fluffy. Both dogs really look forward to their grooming.

— Bill Womack  

[Note: This replaces the now unrecommended Oster Grooming Rake, and is a canine alternative to the previously reviewed Furminator. –OH]

Master Grooming Tool


Manufactured by Pet Edge

Know of a better tool, or need a recommendation? Submit a review or request!

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