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Make: Talk 010 – Andy Cavatorta, Bjork's musical roboticist

Here’s the 10th episode of MAKE‘s podcast, Make: Talk! In each episode, I interview one of the makers featured in the magazine.

Our maker this week is Andy Cavatorta. Andy is a roboticist, artist, musician, and filmmaker. He was at MIT’s Media Lab from 2007 to 2010. In the current issue of MAKE, Vol 29, Andy wrote an article about his collaboration with the Icelandic musician Bjork to create robotic gravity harps for her touring performance. In my interview, we talk about this project and more.

Before the interview with Andy, I mention the latest deal in MakerShed: these fun-to-make Papertronics Lunar Modules with LEDs. They’re $10 for a set of 3.

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