Boing Boing Staging

UK petrol station CCTVs will check insurance/tax status before you are allowed to fill up

Under a pending proposal, the license-plate cameras at UK filling stations will soon begin to trigger automatic lookups of every motorist’s insurance and tax records. Drivers whose insurance and tax records can’t be located or verified will not be allowed to fill their tanks. This requires that the existing cameras, which are there to document drivers who don’t pay for their gas, be connected to sensitive government databases filled with identifying personal information. Forensic cameras — whose records are used after the fact to catch crooks — don’t need to be 100 percent accurate, since almost every plate they capture will not be involved in a crime, and ambiguous results can be resolved by a human backstop. But cameras that prevent you from getting something you need, like petrol, need to be 100 percent accurate, since it wouldn’t do to let the person operating the cash-register override the judgment of the automated system.

CCTV at petrol stations will automatically stop uninsured cars being filled with fuel

(Thanks, VoxAudi!)

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