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Moonface: "Teary Eyes and Bloody Lips" (MP3 download)

Sound it Out # 19: Moonface – “Teary Eyes and Bloody Lips”

This is slightly complicated. Moonface is Spencer Krug and whatever collaborators he’s working with at the moment. So, this particular Moonface record is titled With Siinai: Heartbreaking Bravery because Spencer went to Helsinki to make the album with Finnish band Siinai.

Spencer also plays with Frog Eyes, Sunset Rubdown, Swan Lake, Fifths of Seven, Wolf Parade (RIP) and various other projects. He is a busy, busy man.

Judging by the lyric sheet, Spencer’s no stranger to romantic despair. “Teary Eyes and Bloody Lips” joins Krug’s big, bombastic voice with Siinai’s precise rock to create one of the oddest sing-along anthems I’ve ever heard; Stevie Nicks gets named-checked twice.

With Siinai: Heartbreaking Bravery isn’t out until April, but you can download “Teary Eyes and Bloody Lips” right this minute – it’s free for a week.

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