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Astrologers who claimed copyright on timezones apologize, drop lawsuit — EFF declares victory!

A heartening development in the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s ongoing effort to secure the Internet’s timezone database, which was threatened when an astrology software company called Astrolabe claimed a copyright in the arrangement of the world’s timezones. After EFF sought sanctions against the company’s lawyers, the company dropped the suit, apologized, and signed a “covenant not to sue.”

In a statement, Astrolabe said, “Astrolabe’s lawsuit against Mr. Olson and Mr. Eggert was based on a flawed understanding of the law. We now recognize that historical facts are no one’s property and, accordingly, are withdrawing our Complaint. We deeply regret the disruption that our lawsuit caused for the volunteers who maintain the TZ database, and for Internet users.”

EFF Wins Protection for Time Zone Database

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