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24 Magazine: every ish is done in a day, ad-free and kickstartered

Rose Fox sez,

Right this minute, eleven accomplished creative professionals have
wedged themselves into a studio in Brooklyn, New York, and are in the
process of putting together the first issue of twenty-four magazine.
twenty-four is a quarterly publication for which each issue is
conceived, written, illustrated, designed, and produced in 24 hours.
The creation of the first issue began at 10 a.m. Eastern Time on
February 23, 2012 and will finish at 10 a.m. on February 24, at which
time PDFs of the planned 64-page magazine will be sent to the 100+
people who backed the project on Kickstarter. Print copies will follow
within a week. The first issue is 100% donation-funded and ad-free.

The first issue has the theme of “trust,” which will be illustrated
and explored in fiction, poetry, articles, interviews, photo essays,
and drawings. In addition, the contributors are documenting their
creative process and soliciting ideas from the public by posting
photos, videos, and text to Twitter (using the hashtag #24mag),
Storify, YouTube, and

twenty-four magazine

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