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Map shows NYC's energy consumption, building-by-building

Gmoke sez, “This statistical model uses ‘zipcode-level energy consumption data to estimate the average annual energy use for every tax lot—at practically building level—through all five boroughs of the city.’ Included are estimateans for space heating, space cooling, water heating, and base electric applications such as lighting. ‘This map will enable NYC building owners to see whether their own building consumes more or less than what an average building with similar function and size would,’ said Professor Modi. ‘This is the first time anyone has provided an estimate like this for New York City and the first time anyone has offered information to the public in the form of an interactive map.'”

“This is a critical issue,” said Modi. “While discussions frequently focus on electricity use, homes in New York City, whether a townhouse or a large apartment building, use far more energy in form of heat rather than electricity. Nearly all of this heat is obtained from heating oil or natural gas. In addition, current electricity distribution infrastructure in many urban areas relies on large amounts of electricity brought in from outside the city, making it difficult to support increased future use without requiring significant investment of resources and funds. We are looking at ways we can address both these issues—reducing our heating bills and increasing local electricity generation capacity.”

Model Created to Map Energy Use in NYC Buildings

(Thanks, Gmoke!)

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