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"My Favorite Museum Exhibit": Controversial history

“My Favorite Museum Exhibit” is a series of posts aimed at giving BoingBoing readers a chance to show off their favorite exhibits and specimens, preferably from museums that might go overlooked in the tourism pantheon. I’ll be featuring posts in this series all week. Want to see them all? Check out the archive post. I’ll update the full list there every morning.

Daniel Schneider wrote in to tell me about a series of exhibits at the Ohio Historical Society that force people to confront the uncomfortable bits of history.

The Ohio Historical Society had an exhibit titled “Controversy” last year. They included items form Ohio’s past that were objects of controversy of one time or another. The exhibit included KKK robes and Ohio’s electric chair & control panel. 2 of the stranger items were an 1860’s condom (found in an accountants notebook?!!?) and a adult crib bed\prison from an asylum in Cincinnati. The are having a new Controversy exhibit this year.

It feels weird/wrong to say that exhibits like this are fascinating, but there’s definitely a lot of value in bringing modern museum goers face-to-face with things we might prefer to collectively forget.

The condom, obviously, is pictured above. It’s worth noting that, at this point in history, condoms were meant to be reusable. Daniel also sent me a photo of the “crib-bed”, which is really more of a cage, but it is disturbing in a way the condom shot is not and I’m choosing to put it under a cut here.

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