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Order of the Stick D&D webcomic breaking Kickstarter records

Courtney sez, “The D&D themed webcomic Order of the Stick has been running a Kickstarter campaign to get some of its out-of-print books back onto shelves. It’s now broken $350,000 and is one of the top 10 funded projects of all time on Kickstarter and the most funded comics project of all time.”

I’ve been self-publishing my comedy-fantasy-adventure webcomic The Order of the Stick in paper format since 2005, but one of the hardest parts about doing it all on my own is keeping the older books available. This project is designed to get at least one of those books
back into print. The Order of the Stick: War and XPs was the third compilation of the color webcomic, covering a bunch of cool battle scenes like this and this and even this.

Comic “Order of the Stick” Kickstarter campaign breaks $350,000

(Thanks, Courtney!)

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