Boing Boing Staging

Chinese Oreos are totally tubular

When Kraft introduced Oreos to China in 1996, it was only moderately successful. They revisited the cookie with a lot of market research and came up with a bunch of different chapes, fillings, colors and recipes, eventually choosing several, providing that they preserved the “Oreo experience” of twisting the cookie apart, licking the frosting and dunking it. They sold it with “emotional advertising” in which children showed their parents the “American way” of eating Oreos and the cookies became a success.

They started to ask other provocative questions.

Why does an Oreo have to be black and white? Davis sent us an Oreo with green tea filling. Another had a bright orange center divided between mango and orange flavor.

And why should an Oreo be round? They developed Oreos shaped like straws. In China, you can buy a long rectangular Oreo wafer, the length of your index finger.

Impossible to twist apart, but Davis points out that it makes it easier to dunk in milk.

Rethinking The Oreo For Chinese Consumers

(via Kottke)

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