Boing Boing Staging

Earth station satellite facility home for sale

 Images 654*503 Sat3

After noticing a lack of space for Rob’s vintage synthesizer collection, Happy Mutants has decided not to purchase the ICBM silo and air park for sale in New York’s Adirondacks. Instead, we have our sights on the Jamesburg Earth Station now for sale in Carmel Valley, California. As we speak, Weisberger is pawning a handful of his rare pens to cover the down payment. The facility has historical significance as it was the first place to receive live images from the 1969 moon landing. (If you believe that sort of thing.) From NBC Bay Area:

For the price, you’ll get the 20,000 square foot facility, 160 acres of land, a helicopter landing pad, three bedroom house, basketball court, barn, and even two of private wells.

If that’s not enough, the complex also takes home security to a whole new level. Built in the 1960’s at the height of a nuclear arms race between the U.S. and Soviet Union, the building is equipped to handle a 5 megaton nuclear blast.

Bomb-Proof Earth Station for Sale(NBC Bay Area)

Jamesburg Earth Station (Keller Williams Realty)

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