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SOPA/PIPA mashup: how much Hollywood money did your lawmaker take? Name and shame with fellow voters

With PIPA off the legislative calendar and SOPA paused, this tool may seem a bit redundant, but it’s a nice piece of advocacy work.
Creator Jonathan Vanasco sez, “I tossed together a mashup over a few hours while
sick on the couch. It uses the data from Propublica and SunlightLabs to create
very-shareable profile pages for every Senator and Representative
that were geared for ‘viral’: – language is designed to motivate
people to read and share – leverages all the Facebook and Twitter
tools to increase ranking – text and graphics are optimized for
Facebook sharing, educating users about the issue and how much
lobbyist money may be influencing things – automatic twitter
suggestions for tweets with likely-to-share language ie: –
challenge a senator to give back $x in media contributions – notes
if a senator has received more media contributions than 50% of
other senators – asks a senator how much money is needed for them
to represent people, not lobbyists.”

Hi. My name is Dianne Feinstein.

(Thanks, Jonathan!)

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