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HOWTO typeset Call of Cthulhu spells to make them look like the scrawlings of a gibbering madman

Gnat sez, “The only thing cuter than this Game Master asking TeX gurus for help making his RPG notes ‘look like they were scrawled by a gibbering madman, unhinged by the horrors he has witnessed’ is the serious responses, with examples of output. He even got an answer saying how to typeset an Elder Sign! Truly, there is nothing more awesome than typesetting geeks helping gaming geeks.”

I want to type up some spells from the RPG Call of Cthulhu and give them to my players. I could just type them up in Word or LaTeX, but that seems too….neat. I’d like to make these things look like they were scrawled by a gibbering madman, unhinged by the horrors he has witnessed. Bonus points if you can add any traces of H. P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos.

Less poetically: Typefaces to make it look scrawled or handwritten, preferably with a quill or calligraphy pen. Ways to make the word spacing less regular (Abuse microtype in some way?) and ways to put in drop caps are the kind of things I’m looking for.

Bonus points if you can tell me how to typeset an elder sign.

How do I make my document look like it was written by an Cthulhu worshipping madman?

(Thanks, Gnat!)

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